Sunday, July 4, 2010

being super mom

it is so awesome being a kids Sanaa and Ansh are my pride and joy........while i was growing up ,i had always imagined myself to be a doctor.....never as a mom. i knew i would be a mum sometime...but i never really thought about it........

4 years back when i held Sanaa in my arms in the labour room at sir ganga ram hospital,i knew the earth had moved. atleast for me.she became the centre of my universe in that one instant.....and continues to be so.......... now she shares it with Ansh and i must say she's very generous and magnanimous for a 4 year old.......she has the thought process of a mini adult...:):):)

welcome to my online life!

this is my first entry ......wonder what makes me do this anyway,i find even facebook updates too much of an invasion of privacy...:)....well, lets see how this goes.......